A/Prof. Akshat Tanksale

//A/Prof. Akshat Tanksale
A/Prof. Akshat Tanksale2022-07-27T03:13:01+00:00

A/Prof Akshat Tanksale completed his PhD at The University of Queensland in 2008 examining nanomaterials / chemical reaction engineering. This was followed by a postdoctoral position at UQ examining the conversion of biomass to liquid fuels and chemicals and hydrogen storage. Joining Monash University in 2011, Dr Tanksale leads the Catalysis for Green Chemicals group where his interest is in the field of heterogeneous catalysis for conversion of biomass to fuels and chemicals using nano-materials. Dr Tanksale is the Vice-Chair and Monash University Representative on the Joint Victorian Chemical Engineers Committee (JVCEC) under the common umbrella of IChemE and Engineers Australia.


Biofuels and Biochemicals
Green Chemistry
Hydrogen Production and Storage
Meso- and Micro-Porous Materials as Catalysts
Catalytic and Enzymatic Depolymerisation of Biomass
CO2 Valorisation

Monash University Profile