Bioprocessing Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (BAMI)

//Bioprocessing Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (BAMI)
Bioprocessing Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (BAMI)2021-11-02T22:54:56+00:00

The ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Bioprocessing Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (BAMI) was awarded to BioPRIA in 2014. BAMI was funded with support from Monash University and six complementary industry partners: Australian Paper, Oji Fibre Solutions, Circa, Norske Skog, Orora and Visy.

BAMI entailed a three-year $3.5 million investment in R&D, training and industry partnerships. The Initiative drew on the expertise of experienced research engineers, scientists, and manufacturers to advance the competitiveness of the Australasian pulp and paper industry through the development of new functional materials and green solutions from bioresources. The hub was headed by Professor Gil Garnier as Director with Associate Professor Warren Batchelor as its Deputy.

Research Outcomes

BAMI Research Hub has provided new knowledge, methods and technologies to advance the competitiveness of the Australasian pulp and paper industry through the development of new functional materials and green solutions from bioresources.

BAMI was successful in proving the concept of a biorefinery for Australia. It has identified nanocellulose as a key technology with practical future applications and has developed the concept of catalytical green chemistry for chemical production. The projects have generated new techniques for producing nanocellulose fibres from Australian sources, identified new chemical pathways from lignocellulosic materials and engineered cellulosic materials such as: foams, coatings and hydrogels with unique properties for applications in food, health and packaging industries.

The outcome of our research has opened the door to news opportunities for the pulp and paper industry.

Industrial Partners