Dr Marek Bialkower

///Dr Marek Bialkower
Dr Marek Bialkower2021-09-01T03:47:35+00:00

Dr Marek Bialkower

Marek graduated with a Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences/Engineering (Chemical Engineering) in 2016 from Monash University. In 2020, he was awarded a Doctoral degree for his thesis on “Engineering and testing novel fibrinogen paper diagnostics for blood analysis.”

A major achievement from Marek’s research was the development of a simple, cheap and portable diagnostic tool that measures fibrinogen concentration in blood, a vital measure to help stop people dying from major traumatic blood loss. This work was done together with Prof Gil Garnier and Dr Clare Manderson, and has featured in the Herald Sun (syndicated nationally), Ten NewsSify and BioEngineer.

Marek is currently working at Chemwatch.